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HEAT Training - Get Involved - Soteria & STAND International

Like many small to medium INGO’s STAND International was becoming increasingly aware about their duty of care to staff and volunteers whilst they were abroad but was unsure whether HEAT training was something that was relevant to them or whether it was more geared towards bigger INGOs.

In conjunction with STAND International, a Scottish INGO, Soteria Risk Training is providing a one day introduction to HEAT.

With ever increasing risk globally, HEAT training has never been more essential for NGO's to meet their corporate duty of care. However, HEAT training can still be a daunting prospect for some organisations.

To introduce you to the concepts of HEAT training and allow you to ask questions and experience some of their unique, learner-centered, friendly approach to training Soteria Risk Training, in conjunction with STAND International, is offering a one day opportunity for participants to come together and explore the benefits of HEAT training.

Throughout the day attendees will undertake engaging tasks and scenarios and have an opportunity to ask any questions.

If you or your organisation is working or supporting projects overseas then this is an ideal opportunity to find out how you can better protect your work and support your staff and volunteers in an ever changing environment.

There is no cost to this event although places are limited.


Hostile Environment Awareness Training shouldn't be hostile.

Soteria Risk Training have a different approach to safety and security training.

As a training partner they support organisations to prepare their teams to complete safer missions to some of the world's most complex areas.

Offer bespoke medical and security courses designed around your organisational threats, area specific challenges and risk assessments.


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